Amida/Insights/News/National Security Professionals & Technologists Call on White House’s CHIPS Council to Secure the Future of America’s Devices

National Security Professionals & Technologists Call on White House’s CHIPS Council to Secure the Future of America’s Devices

Dark Mode

WASHINGTON – Mar. 8, 2023

Today, a nonpartisan group of former national security professionals and technologists delivered a letter to the co-chairs of the White House CHIPS Implementation Steering Council calling on the esteemed council to invest in the security of our nation by “[establishing] basic benchmarks that keep chips safe, reliable, and under our control” and allocating a portion of the CHIPS Act funding toward research and development.

As the letter states, “If this Steering Council were to require minimal standards of chip integrity and security, we could start erecting technical roadblocks for our nation’s adversaries and establishing on-chip checkpoints that are convenient, affordable, and incredibly effective.” 

Specifically, the group of co-signers call on the CHIPS Implementation Steering Council to take two actions, in order to secure the future of America’s devices: 

  • Require all chips used in our national security and critical infrastructure be certified against attack by 2026
  • Require a portion of the $11 billion allocated for research and development be targeted to technologies that accomplish this goal

Full text of the letter is here.

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